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Saturday, May 19, 2012

All Zenned Out!

Wow I can't believe it's been over a year since I posted anything on this blog. Lately I have been doing some 2 dimensional work, pencil and ink drawings mostly. I discovered zen doodling which I then mixed with my style of art, and came up with some work I really like.

I started using the zendoodling on ATCs, and quickly decided I would make them jewelry. I made a pendant for my mom, with shrinky dink film. And... for Easter I made my nieces each a pendant. Zendoodling is pretty fun, once I relaxed. At first my need to get everything right completely defeated the purpose, which is to relax and "zen out" while you work. I got it now, and while I still need to work on my zen designs, I really like the new stuff i have put together.

In all this new exploration, the Red Hook Community Arts Network, RHCAN, opened a gallery downstairs and put out a call to artist to be in a non-objective/ abstract show this month. I was immediately excited to try and make some larger work, and submit it  to the gallery for their exhibition. So that night, I stayed up all night working on a drawing based on an Artist Trading Card I had done. I didn't take a picture of the finished drawing, but here is the ATC I based it on. I have 3 pieces in the show titled "Abstractions" which opened last week. The Artist reception is tonight May 15th, 2012 from 5 to7pm. It would be nice to see familiar faces, but I m also looking forward to meeting new people as well. 

Zendoodling, and doodling, and doodling, add a bit of non-objective amorphous shapes, and that brings me to my latest work.

I do plan on getting involved with the RHCAN and helping them anyway I can. Its a worthwhile project. A network set up to involve the Red Hook community through the all the arts, fine art, dance, music, etc. Take a look at their facebook page to get to know more about them, and help any way you can. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Red-Hook-Community-Arts-Network/116401555104181